How much does periodontics cost?

We offer peirodontic treatment in our London and Manchester dental clinics. All of our treatment plans are designed for you, for affordable private dental care.

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Periodontal Consultation

from £ 150

Root Service Debridement (RSD)

per area

from £ 300

What is periodontics?

Gum disease is one of the most common oral health problems and if not treated can result in damage to the supporting structures of the teeth. This can lead to gum recession, sensitivity and even mobility or loss of teeth.

Periodontists are specialised in the management of situations where gum disease is severe and excessive and can assist with regeneration of the supporting structures which have been lost.

Aesthetically, procedures such as gum grafting and gum contouring can also help improve signs and symptoms of gum disease

More description

Root Surface Debridement (RSD)

RSD is the process of cleaning the teeth below the gum line. This involves using delicate and intricate instruments which vibrate and flush away the deposits of plaque and calculus from the root surface. RSD is usually performed in situations where gum disease does not respond to normal brushing and cleaning with the hygienist. The aim is to clean deep below the gum line and remove the bacteria responsible for gum disease. For your comfort, the procedure is nearly always carried out with local anaesthetic and depending on severity, it can be used together with antibiotics. RSD is normally carried over a few appointments to allow the gums to heal and respond adequately.

Gum Grafting

If gum disease is allowed to progress over a period of time, it can result in the recession of gums which can make the teeth look longer, result in gaps (black triangles) between teeth and increased sensitivity of the teeth. The management of this problem has advanced considerably with new and different ways to replace lost gum tissue. This can be done by using unique bone substitute materials to replace the supporting structure of the gums. Furthermore, gum tissue can be surgically repositioned and transferred from one part of the mouth (usually the palate) to another to correct these recession defects.

Crown Lengthening

When there is excessive gum tissue around the teeth, it can lead to the appearance of a short teeth or a gummy smile. Similarly if there is a high smile line, it can result in the same appearance. Crown lengthening involves the removal of some of the gum and supporting tissues to increase the height of the teeth which is known as crown lengthening. This can result the teeth appearing longer and produce a broader smile.


Implant dentistry has advanced considerably with more and more people having dental implants placed. Implants are susceptible to disease much like teeth and the same process of bone loss and mobility of an implant can occur through a disease known as peri-implantitis.

If dental implant health is not maintained over a period of time, gum disease can occur around the implant which can result in bone loss, mobility of the implant and eventual loss of the implant.

The treatment usually involves deep cleaning of the implant and the supporting gum around it. Further bone regeneration and gum grafting procedures may be required also if there is bone loss.

Frequently Asked Questions

I regularly keep my teeth clean and my gums still bleed and gums are receding, how do I fix this?
Gum disease covers a wide spectrum of problems and gum disease should respond to improved hygeine measures. Occasionally if the gums do not respond, it may require the input of a specialist to assist this problem.
How can I fix receding gums ?
Gum recession is a very common problem, affecting people to different levels. People who have inherently thin gums, those with gum disease or have had orthodontic treatment are more likely to have this problem.

Whilst there is no real way to regenerate the gum has been lost, there is a procedure called gum grafting which involves removing the gum from some of the palate (which will heal over) to the area with the recession to cover it. This can help with sensitivity as well as improving aesthetics
My parents and grandparents lost teeth early, does this mean I will too?
Whilst there is a definitely a genetic link with relation to gum disease, it does not mean the teeth will be lost early. We would advise regular check ups with the dentist to screen for disease as well as regular hygeine appointments to ensure the gum health is maintained. Any early signs of gum disease can then be treated early and aggressively to help prevent the loss of teeth.

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