
Straighten Your Teeth with Invisalign® Braces

Invisalign is a removable clear brace which when worn, enable teeth to be straightened discreetly and efficiently with minimal visits to the dentist

How much does Invisalign cost?

The cost of Invisalign can vary depending on the time taken and the extent of teeth movement required. Typically it can range from £2500 – £4000. However, if only minor movements of teeth are required, it can be less.

0% Interest Free Finance. We offer interest free finance on treatments for up to 18 months. Ask our team for more information.

Invisalign ClinCheck

from £ 300

Invisalign Lite

from £ 3450

Invisalign Full

from £ 3950

Invisalign ClinCheck

from £ 300

Invisalign Lite

from £ 3450

Invisalign Full

from £ 3950

Straighten Your Teeth with Invisalign® Braces
Dr. Sonnie Yousefzadeh
Straighten Your Teeth with Invisalign® Braces
Dr. Rizwan Mahmood
Straighten Your Teeth with Invisalign® Braces
Straighten Your Teeth with Invisalign® Braces

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a clear brace system which straightens the teeth discreetly, with most cases being able to completed within 6 months (depending on complexity)

The treatment is completely digitally planned which improves accuracy and the efficiency of the tooth movement. 

Furthermore, by taking a 3D digital scan of your teeth we are able to show you an outcome simulation of what your teeth could potentially look like after treatment. This way you can see the improvement before you commit yourself to having treatment

There is a simple 3 step process to begin your invisalign journey

  1. Consultation
    • At the consultation we will assess your concerns, wants and needs as well as taking a 3D digital scan to show you a potential before and after of what your teeth will look like
  2. Clincheck
    • At this appointment we will be able to show you a more accurate and detailed version of what the tooth movement will be as well as how many attachments are needed in addition to any space requirements (this can be done remotely)
  3.  Fit
    • Once the clincheck is approved we can then get the aligners manufactured within 3 weeks and fitted to start moving the teeth


Ruh Dental Invisalign Money Back Guarantee


  1. Ruh Dental Invisalign money back guarantee (MBG) will provide a full refund to patients who have worn all their 8 aligners compliantly for the first 8 weeks with no improvement in straightness of the teeth.
  2. Straightness is defined as better aligned or change in tooth position in line with the pre-approved clincheck simulation
  3. MBG is only applicable to treatment plans with 1 week changes
  4. If Straightness is questioned, it can be measured objectively with a digital scan at the 8 week review and will be compared to the scan which the aligners were fabricated from
  5. MBG is only applicable at the 8th week and not after or before this.
  6. Patient must show evidence of wearing all 8 aligners which will be checked to ensure appropriate compliance
  7. The suggested 8 week period begins from the day the aligners are first fitted
  8. MBG is excluded for patients who do not wear their aligners as advised for the specified time and those who’s teeth are tracking slower than expected.
  9. Any Invisalign treatment requires strict compliance and commitment in the case of non compliance due to financial reasons, or not wanting to continue treatment for personal reasons in the 8 week period, MBG will be void
  10. If MBG is approved and full financial refund obtained, all further treatment with Invisalign at Ruh Dental will cease

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Invisalign work?
Invisalign clear aligners move the teeth through a series of careful and controlled planned movements. Each aligner will move certain teeth in a particular pre-set sequence which will move the teeth accordingly over the course of treatment. The aligners are dispensed to you in batches with each aligner needing to be changed around 7 days
Am I suitable for Invisalign?
Due to the technological advancements in Invisalign over the last decade, there is a lot more scope to treat more complex tooth movements with Invisalign. Thus the vast majority of complex tooth movements can be treated with Invisalign.
What are the benefits of Invisalign?
Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible and hardly noticeable when worn.

As the aligners are removable, you can also eat and drink whatever you wish during the course of Invisalign by removing the aligners before a meal, which is not the case with fixed braces which may result in dietary restrictions.

Oral hygiene can be easier to manage as the aligners needs to be removed when brushing and flossing.

Brackets and wires are not used with Invisalign and as a result there is less appointments required to change these components compared to Invisalign which can reduce the amount of time taken off work to see the dentist to make these adjustments.
Does Invisalign hurt?
Invisalign applies gentle forces to the teeth over the course of the treatment and there is some initial discomfort as the teeth start to move, but no pain.
How long will it take to straighten my teeth?
The vast majority of patients we see have already had braces and have not worn their retainers and the teeth have moved back.
Will it affect my speech?
With any type of brace system, there will be an adaptation period which may result in a speech changes, but this normally only lasts 1-2 weeks
How long will it take to start treatment?
Following consultation we can normally get the aligners shipped and fitted within 3-4 weeks
After finishing treatment, how long do you need to wear retainers for?
Retainers must be worn life long at night time in order for the teeth to stay in the same position after finishing treatment
What is the difference between Invisalign express, lite and comprehensive?
This is to do with the complexity of tooth movements with express reserved mainly for one or two front teeth that need minor alignment requirements. More complex tooth movement will fall into the lite and comprehensive Invisalign categories

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